Ok... I got almost nothing for you this week. Only thing I can really share with you is that sometimes helping people can turn into you saving some cash.
I have a bunch of friends in different bands and I do anything I can to help them out from making flyers, designing shirts etc. and sometimes they are able to return the favor. I did some backing vocals on a few songs for one of my favorite Rhode Island hardcore bands, HELD HOSTAGE. Now since I really like the band I would have bought the CD from them, but I was able to get a free copy for helping them out with backing vocals. You can check out Held Hostage here... at www.Facebook.com/HostageRIHC and I strongly suggest you pick up their CD to hear my awesome backing vocals!
On a grander scale I am friends with a few of the guys from the New York hardcore band Sheer Terror and they played in Boston last weekend. I offered up my services to help them at the show and I was able to get in for free. I also helped their merchandise guy bring in all his stuff and he gave me a shirt for 1/2 price. In a huge coincidence there were two more bands I like and am friends with playing in a separate room at the same club. I went up to that room and when the door man saw the all access wrist band I had from the show downstairs he let me in for free. So I was able to get almost $40 worth of concert admission for free, plus a 1/2 price T-shirt just because I try to help people when I can. You can check out my friends in Sheer Terror here... www.facebook.com/sheerterror and my friends in the Welch Boys can be found at www.TheWelchBoys.net
Unfortunately that's about all I got so here's what happened with money this week... I got a paycheck for $613.82 and had $39.12 put into my 401K. This is the last paycheck of August so its the big savings week! I'm going to put $25 in the account for future vet bills and I'm going to put $100 in my regular checking account. Then I'm going to take the remaining $488.82 and put half in my car account and half in my money market savings ($244.41 in each). I did my usual $20 vacation transfer and next week I will probably have some cans to return, but that's it for now!
Here is the week 35 wrap up:
$39.12 to my 401K
$20.00 to my vacation fund
$25.00 to the future vet bill account
$244.41 to my future car savings
$244.41 to the money market savings
Which makes the 2013 totals:
$1175.59 in my 401K
$700.00 in the vacation fund
$75.80 in the piggy bank
$450.00 in the quarterly loan payment account
$175.00 in my vet bill savings
$1827.41 in my money market
$1277.40 in my car account
This weeks bonus has nothing to do with saving money at all. In fact its about spending money, but I want to make sure you don't miss out! Halloween season is coming and as usual the General Mills 'Monster Cereals' are out and available. However, not only did they reissue the usual, Count Chocula, Boo-Berry and Frankenberry, but this year they also brought back the Yummy Mummy and the Fruit Brute!
Here they are in the standard 2013 boxes...
But I also heard that Target stores will have the 5 Monsters in their original 1970's retro boxes...
stock up now or you will miss out!!!
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