Friday, July 19, 2013

Week #29 - Cheap Glasses & Free Lunch!

wow... here we are at week #29 if my silly little blog. I have to admit that I have some times when I just want to stop doing it because I see that only a few people have viewed it, but the feedback I get from a few of you (and my general OCD nature) are what keep me going! So a huge thank you to the OCD Savings Blog weekly readers and supporters. If you haven't joined please check out the Facebook group and contribute your tips, hints and even sales you find on the go! Here is the link...

 There has not been a lot going on in the world of money this past week. I did get the free lunch bag that I ordered from Coca-Cola using my Coke points and I started using that to bring my lunch to work. I also went back to the Coke website and ordered a different bag that was also completely free using just my points. I'm a fan of Coca-Cola so I like some of the stuff they offer anyway, but when its something I can actually use or need and its free its pretty awesome!

August 15th is the 2 year anniversary since I got my last pair of free safety glasses at work which means I am eligible to get another pair. I went and got the forms from the HR department today and will be booking an eye exam soon. Two years ago when I went for an exam I gave them my Blue Cross card knowing that my insurance didn't cover any eye exams. I figured I would eventually get a bill to pay from the doctor, but two years later I still didn't get a bill so I think I'll have to find a different doctor to go to or risk them pulling my records and having to pay the bill! No matter where I go I'll get the form filled out and get a free pair of glasses through work, then I'll take all the measurements and prescription info and go to and pick up a new pair of super cheap prescription sunglasses and maybe an extra pair of regular glasses for an emergency. If you haven't used Zenni, I highly recommend them. I got prescription sunglasses for $20 and they work perfect!

So this is the third week of the month which usually means my whole check will be going into my mortgage account, but I'm going to change it up this month! I got a little bit of overtime which made this check a big higher than usual so I will be putting this check towards my savings. The check I got is for $648.63 ($41.47 to my 401K) and I'm going to space it out in a few different spots. I'm going to take $148.63 off the top and put it in my regular checking account as part of my 'enjoy life' initiative. The remaining $500 will be broken down like this: $325.00 to the money market savings, $150 to the future car savings and $25 to the future vet bill account.

In addition to my paycheck I also cashed in some deposit cans & bottles, some of which were donated to me by a reader. I have to admit that I had mixed emotions about taking them because part of me felt like she should have cashed them herself and saved the money, but it was a little more free cash for me! So I ended up with $8.60 in can money to put in the piggy bank and I also did my weekly $20 vacation transfer. On to the wrap up....

Here is the week 29 wrap up:
$41.47 to my 401K
$325.00 to the money market savings
$150.00 to the future car savings
$25.00 to the future vet bill account
$20.00 to my vacation fund

$8.60 to the piggy bank

Which makes the 2013 totals:
$987.84 in my 401K
$580.00 in the vacation fund
$65.30 in the piggy bank
$400.00 in the quarterly loan payment account
$125.00 in my vet bill savings
$1583.00 in my money market
$1032.99 in my car account

 Bonus Round.... I always speak very highly of the bank I got to, but that doesn't mean they are perfect and never make mistakes. Last Friday I deposited most of my check in my mortgage account, but I put $50 in my loan repayment account. Well the teller made an error and when I checked my online banking it showed a $50 deposit and a $50 withdraw on the same day. Knowing I didn't take any money out and no cash back I called the 800# for the bank and they are in the process of fixing the error as I type this. The moral is... make sure you check your bank balances!!

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