Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week #6 - (still) Days Late & (more) Dollars Short

Ok guys... I know I'm late with the blog again, but what it has come down to is the fact that I really have no money right now. I'm still out of work from my gallbladder surgery (I'll be going back next Monday) and I haven't gotten a check from the temporary disability insurance company. They are giving me the run around with sending paperwork back and they don't seem to care at all if I can pay my bills I guess.

My next mortgage payment is my important bill and that's not due until February 28th so I still have some time to get that money. I also have racked up more on my Discover Card bill. Its back up over $1000, but $300 of that is something I bought for someone that they will be paying me for soon and $200 is something I bought as a short term investment to resell and possibly double my money (worst case, I break even). That being said a $500 credit card bill when I have no money still terrifies me! I have to try and calm down and just remember that some money will be coming in and I'll be back on track with regular paychecks soon. Also March has 5 Fridays which means 5 paychecks for me so that will help me even everything out.

I'll fill you in on something that I hadn't disclosed yet. I almost always have some hidden money in my checking account. So in my check book ledger it might say I have $72.27, but there is actually $272.72 in it because I 'hide' money from myself. That comes in very handy in times like this because right now my check book ledger reads as being negative money, but in reality (the banks reality at least) it is not negative. So I should be able to get by for the next week or two by keeping my checkbook in the 'black' even though it will appear to be in the 'red'. Then when I do get some money I will even it out by 'replacing' the 'hidden' money. Yes folks... I told you in week #1, I'm crazy! I am coming close to dipping into that secret hidden money, but I did still make my weekly $20 'vacation' transfer.

In other news, its tax return season. I don't know exactly what I'm going to get for a refund, but this return will be my first that's based on a full year of paying mortgage interest and being married. we'll see in the next few weeks once my taxes are all done and then when the money comes in I'll have to figure out what accounts to distribute it into and what to do with it!

So let me give you the week 6 wrap up:
$0 to my 401K (because I got no paycheck)
$20 to my vacation fund

which makes the 2013 totals...
$165.07 in my 401K
$120 in the vacation fund
$15.15 in the piggy bank

Once again ladies & gentlemen.... I know that the last few weeks have been incredibly boring in my world of OCD saving, but there will be some different stuff coming once I get back to work and regular paychecks start coming in... I promise! 

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